Ann (surname unknown) ID#8837, d. about 1788
Marriage*Ann (surname unknown) married Michael ROWLAND
Deed*3 October 1752, Michael Rowland and wife Ann sell 200 acres to Charles Machenny. Recorded 27 November 1752. This is the land they bought in 1751. - Cumberland County Deed Book 2 page 54. FSL #7893764 image 347.
Court RecordMichael ROWLAND; November 1752, and indenture between Michael Rowland and Charles Machenny was recorded. Michael's wife Ann was mentioned. - Cumberland Court Order Book 1752-1758 page 46. FSL #7893768 image 227.
WillAnn (surname unknown) was mentioned in the will of Michael ROWLAND on 30 March 1757 in Cumberland, Virginia; Mentions wife Ann and son William. Cumberland County Will Book 1 page 136. FSL #7675920 image 87.
Death Spouse*Her husband, William Rowland, died about May 1757. 
ProbateAnn (surname unknown) was mentioned in the probate of the estate of Michael ROWLAND on 23 May 1757 in Cumberland, Virginia; The final accounting dated 24 August 1762 mentions Ann Rowland, John Rowland Cumberland County Will Book 1, pages 136, 139, 148-149 and 256. FSL 7675920 images 87, 88, 94, 148.
Deed*On 10 May 1762, William Rowland sold 100 acres to Joseph Calvert. William Rowland states the land was purchased by his father, Michael Rowland, from Benjamin Cannon. Joseph Calvert records an agreement to allow the widow Ann Rowland, William's mother, to live the remainder of her life on this land. - Cumberland County Deed Book 3, page 336. FSL #7893766 image 195

NOTE: In this document, William Rowland states this land was purchased by his father Michael. However, records show this land was purchased by William in 1759, a few years after his father died (see above). Possibly his father had purchased it and did not record the deed before he died. In the next sale of this land on 12 August 1794, it states and adjacent land owner is Charles Gilliam.
Tax Rolls*1787 - Ann Rowland is listed on the Cumberland County tax rolls with 1 horse and 6 cattle. FSL #7849104 image 87. 
Death*Ann (surname unknown) died about 1788 in Cumberland, Virginia. 
Probate*Her estate inventory was probated on 23 March 1789 in Cumberland, Virginia. Cumberland County Will Book 2, page 448. FSL #7675920 image 502.
ProbateHer estate account was probated on 28 December 1793 in Cumberland, Virginia. Mentions William Rowland, Michael Rowland, Elizabeth Glover and James Isham (administer of estate). - Cumberland County Will Book 3, page 19. FSL #7675921 image 19.


Michael ROWLAND d. a May 1757
Last Edited2 Dec 2024