Samuel PHILLIPS ID#2210, b. before 1763, d. about March 1830
Father*Richard PHILLIPS1 b. a 1730
Mother*Eleanor HAIRSTON1
Birth*Samuel PHILLIPS was born before 1763. Samuel should have been at least 16 years old and not living in Georgia when he fought in the revolution. He also needed to be 21 to buy land and have the1785 survey performed.1 
He was the son of Richard PHILLIPS and Eleanor HAIRSTON.1 
Relocated*Samuel Phillips moved to Georgia after January 3, 1777. This date is obtained from the Battalion of Minute-Men document given to Samuel Phillips on January 3, 1785.
WillIn Samuel HAIRSTON's will dated 9 February 1782 in Campbell, Virginia, Samuel PHILLIPS was named as an heir.1
PropertySTATE OF GEORGIA --- "This is to certify, That Samuel Phillips hath stedfastly done his duty, from the time of passing an Act at Augusta, to wit, on the 20th of August, 1781, until the total Expulsion of the British from this state; and the said Samuel Phillips cannot, to my knowledge or belief, be convicted of plundering or distressing the counrty; and is therefore, under the said Act, entitled to a Bounty of Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of good Land, free from taxes for ten years. - Given under my Hand, at Savannah this 2nd Day of February 1784." - John Twiggs B. G.2
County Name23 February 1784 - Franklin County formed from Cherokee land. 
Survey*Samuel Phillips requested a survey of 287 1/2 acres on Shoulderbone Creek in Washington County, Georgia on 20th May 1784. The land was surveyed on 2 July 1784. The 287 1/2 acres was the amount of land given to a private in the Revolutionery War for Georgia service.3
SurveySamuel Phillips paid 2 pounds to have a survey of land on the waters of Briar Creek in Wilkes County, Georgia, on November 10, 1784. - FSL 5247643-363.4
Military*STATE OF GEORGIA --- "This is to certify, That Samuel Phillips was Enlisted to serve as a soldier in the Battalion of Minute-Men, raised for the Defense of this State, be Resolve of Assembly, passed the 3d June, 1777; and that said Samuel Phillips was not, at the Time of his Enlistment an Inhabitant of this State, nor had he resided in any Part thereof for six Months preceeding his Enlistment And further, That he was in Service at the Time the said Battalion was reduced by a subsequent Resolve of March 1st, 1778."
Given under my Hand, at Washington this 3rd Day of January 1785. By his order Horatio Marbury E Clarke L Col.5
County Name1786 - Greene County formed from Wilkes and Washington. 
Survey5 Dec 1786 - Samuel Phillips has 400 acres on Broad River surveyed in Franklin County. Page 63, #45986 - FSL 5247643-361.6,7
Survey2 Jul 1787 - Samuel Phillips has 100 acres on Bear Creek surveyed in Franklin County. Georgia Colonial and Headright, Page 190, #46258. FSL #5247643 image 373.6,7
PropertyOn August 28, 1788, Samuel Phillips receives a Grant #409 from the State of Georgia for 400 acres in Franklin County bounding " North Eastwardly by William Mays's land Northwestwardly by Kohn Roger's land, and on all other sides by vacant land---". FSL #4720689 image 456.4
PropertyOn August 24, 1789, Samuel Phillips pays 2 pounds for 50 acres of land on Briar Creek that he had surveyed on 10 November 1784 in Wilkes County. - Georgia, Headright and Bounty Land Records, 1783-1909. FSL #5247643, image 363.4
Grant* Samuel Phillips obtains Grant #573 for 250 acres in Wilkes county from the State of Georgia on 29 October 1789. Land is bounding " Westwardly by Balls and vacant land and on all other sides by vacant lands". Richard Phillips obtains Grant #572 on the same day. - Georgia, Headright and Bounty Land Records, 1783-1909. FSL #4720691 image 624.4
County Name1790 - Elbert County formed from Wilkes. 
Census 1790*Lost - 1790 Federal Census of Franklin County, Georgia. 
DeedHe witnessed the deed of Richard PHILLIPS on 15 June 1790 in Franklin Georgia; On 15 June 1790, Richard Phillips of Wither County, Georgia, sells 300 acres of land in Franklin County to Isaiah Harbour. The deed is witnessed by Samuel Phillips, his mark. The deed was recorded on 3 December 1791. _ Franklin Deed Book C, page 231. FSL #7834372 image 138-139.
County Name1793 - Oglethorpe and Warren counties from Wilkes. 
Grant Samuel Phillips receives Grant #460 for 287 1/2 acres in Washington County from the State of Georgia on 21 May 1793. This land is bounding "South West by Inmans land, North East by Jacksons land, and on the other sides by vacant land--". Georgia, Headright and Bounty Land Records, 1783-1909. FSL #4720698 image 479.4
Grant Samuel Phillips registers Grant #459 for 100 acres in Franklin County from the State of Georgia on 21 May 1793. This land was later sold to James Reed in 1796. Georgia, Headright and Bounty Land Records, 1783-1909. FSL #4720698 image 478.4
County Name*1796 - Jackson County from Franklin County. 
DeedOn 26 August 1796, Samuel Phillips, Benjamin Wofford and Samuel Hollingsworth purchase items from the Estate of James Wofford dec'd (Administrator Joseph Chandler) for two thousand dollars. Franklin County, Georgia Deed Book L, page 74.8
DeedSamuel PHILLIPS witnessed the Property of Jonathan Jackson HAYS and Jane Jenette PHILLIPS on 4 September 1796 in Jackson, Georgia; Jonathan Jackson Hays and his wife Jenney Hayes sold to Samuel Phillips property in Jackson County on Sept. 4th, 1796. Jonathan Jackson Hays and wife, to Samuel Phillips, land in Franklin County when surveyed, now Jackson County, granted to Jenny Phillips, now the wife of said Hays, Sept. 24th, 1788. Witness; Moses McLure, Joseph Chandler, J. P." - Book A & B, page 128-129.9,10
DeedOn 17 November 1796, Samuel Phillips sells to James Reed a tract of land of 100 acres originally granted to Samuel Phillips on 8 May 1793. Samuel signs with his mark. - Franklin County Deed Book M, page 2-3. FSL #7834373, image 536.
Court RecordSaml Phillips purchases $2.65 of items from the estate of James Wofford in 1797 in Franklin County, Georgia.11 
Tax Rolls1798 Federal - Sam'l Phillips pays the Federal 1798 Direct Tax on 1,187 acres in Franklin County, Georgia.
Deed*On 1 December 1798, Samuel Phillips, Mays McClure and Robert Shipley, Sr. sell to Abraham Trentham 145 acres of land in Franklin County, Georgia. - Franklin County Deed Book M, page 163. FSL #7834373 image 646.8 
Newspaper*A notice of "Sherriff's Sale" appeared in the Augusta Chronicle and Gazette on 15 December 1798, as follows; "SHERRIFF'S SALES. At the court house in Franklin county, on the first Tuesday in January next, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, WILL BE SOLD, The Following, to wit, 500 acres of land in Franklin county, lying on the waters, of the North fork of Broad river, granted to Peter Williamson, joins Robert Williamson; taken as the property of Samuel Philluips to satisfy James Coile......Nov. 17, 1798." 
DeedElizabeth Williamson sells five slaves, household furniture, cattle, hogs, sheep and a horse on 5 September 1799. - Franklin County, Georgia Deed Book P, Page 52.8
Tax Rolls1800 - Samuel Phillips pays taxes on 900 acres. Which includes 200 acres in originally granted to Jen Phillips. Capt. Frederick Bealls District, Franklin County.12
Census 1800*Lost - 1800 Federal Census of Franklin County, Georgia. 
Tax Rolls1801 - Samuel Phillips paid taxes on his land, which included 200 acres in Jackson County that was originally granted to Jane Phillips. Capt. Frederick Bears District, Franklin County. Samuel Phillips is listed next to Johnathan J. Hays.12
Tax RollsSamuel Phillips paid taxes on his 300 acres in Jackson County that was originally granted to Jenny Phillips and 400 acres in originally granted to Peter Williamson. Capt. Jno Martin District, Franklin County.12
Tax Rolls1803 - Samil Phillips pays taxes on 900 acres, which includes land in Clarke County originally granted to Jennet Phillips. Franklin County.12
ProbateOn 12 April 1803, Jonathan Jackson Hays and Jenett Hays, wife of the said Jonathan Jackson, both of Franklin County, Georgia made Samuel Phillips their attorney for handling their proceeds of the will of Samuel Hairston. - Franklin County, Georgia Deed Book OO, page 21. FSL #7834375 image 170 --- A copy of this document was then filed in Campbell County, Virginia. Campbell County, Virginia Deed Book 6-7 1802-1807 page 314.
Probate*Campbell County Court, Virginia documents dated 12 December 1803 - "To cash paid Samuel Phillips and sister Jane - 202 pounds, 5 shillings and 10 pence." Estate of Samuel Hairston. Attached is a copy of the actuall document from the Campbell County Deed Book 6, page 328.1
ProbateHis estate was probated on 7 June 1804; Campbell County Court, Virginia documents filed on 7 June 1804 state, "By this sum paid to Samuel Phillips & sister Jane over their proportion of the Estate - 4, 7. 11........Also includes four pounds seven shillings and eleven pence which sum Samuel Phillips and Jane Jackson late Jane Phillips have received more than their just portion and are dividing and alloting the estate among the legatees.....". Probate of Samuel Hairston.1 
DeedSamuel Hairston deeds a slave boy named Mopy to his nephew John Phillips Hays upon Samuel's death. The deed is dated 3 September 1804. Franklin County, Georgia Deed Book OOO, Page 59.8
Tax RollsSamuel Phillips paid taxes on his lands and 100 acres granted to Jane Phillips (located in Clarke county), in the 1805 Franklin County (district of Capt. Bryants), Georgia tax rolls.
Georgia Tax Digests 1890. 140 volumes. Morrow, Georgia: Georgia Archives.
PropertySamuel Phillips was entered in the 1805 Georgia Land Lottery and won 490 acres of land in Wayne County, Georgia.13
Court Record*Samuel Phillips, filed a lawsuit against Edmund King for $3,000 on July 31, 1805 in Franklin County, Georgia. Samuel signed with his mark.
Probate Records; Author: Georgia. Court of Ordinary (Franklin County); Probate Place: Franklin, Georgia, Description Notes: Unbound Estate Records, 1791-1901, Payne, John Sr-Power, Jesse Green.
Tax Rolls1806 - Samuel Phillips pay 10 poll and taxes on property in Franklin and Clarke counties. Clarke County land originally granted to Jane Phillips. Capt. Griffith District, Franklin County.12
Tax Rolls1807 - Samuel Phillips is listed next to Thomas Phillips. Samuel Phillips pay 11 poll and taxes on 1,540 acres in Franklin, Clarke and Wayne counties. Capt. W. Allen District, Franklin County.12
NewspaperNotice of Sheriffs Sale appeared in the Augusta Chronicle on 17 January 1807 that 500 acres that "Samuel Phillips now lives" will be sold. Augusta Chronicle, page 2, Augusta, Georgia. 
Census 1810*Lost - 1810 Federal Census of Franklin County, Georgia. 
Tax Rolls1811 - Samuel Phillips pays 10 polls and taxes on 1,100 acres in Franklin and Clarke counties. Capt. Williamsons District, Franklin County.12
ProbateSamuel PHILLIPS was listed as a beneficiary in Samuel HAIRSTON's will on 7 June 1814 in Campbell, Virginia; Written account of disbursement of Samuel Hairston's estate covering years from 1782 to 7 June 1814. It was not filed with the court until 14 July 1828. Note: "My tract of land at Kentucky containing two thousand acres" refers to the Virginia county named Kentucky County, that was formed from Fincastle County in 1776. Kentucky County was split into Jefferson, Lincoln and Fayette counties in 1780, all in Virginia. In 1788 the process to make these 3 counties into the state of Kentucky started and Kentucky became a state in 1792. - Inventory is in Campbell County Will Book 6, pages 141-146. FSL #7644404 image 82.1
Deed*On March 20 1817, Samuel Phillips gives to John Phillips Hays a slave girl named Lucy about 5 years old. - Franklin County, Georgia Deed Book HH, Page 125. FSL #8153361 image 139.8 
Deed*On March 21, 1817, Samuel Phillips gives to John Phillips Hays 500 acres in Franklin county (originally granted to Peter Williamson) "for and in consideration of my maintenance during my existance in this world in a kind and plentiful manner commencing on the first day of January next..." - Franklin County Deed Book HH, page 123. FSL 8153361-137. 
DeedOn March 21, 1817, Samuel Phillips sells 200 acres in Clark County, originally granted to Jane Phillips, for $800. - Franklin County Deed Book HH, page 123. FSL 8153361-138.8 
DeedOn March 29, 1817, Samuel Phillips gives his nephew Samuel Jackson Hays a slave named Kitty. - Franklin County Deed Book HH, page 126. FSL 8153361-140. 
DeedOn March 29, 1817, J. P. Hays sells a slave named Moses to Samuel Phillips for $300. Franklin County Deed Book HH, page 126. FSL 8153361-140. 
Tax Rolls1818 - Saml Phillips pays taxes on land in Franklin and Wayne counties. Capt Job Hammond, Franklin County.12
Tax Rolls1819 - Jonathan J Hays pays taxes on 1,107 acres in Franklin and Wayne for Samuel Phillips. Capt. Hammond District, Franklin County.12
Tax Rolls1820 - Samuel Phillips pays taxes on 1,249 acres in Franklin and Wayne counties. Capt. Hoopers District, Franklin County.12
Census 1820*Lost - 1820 Federal Census of Franklin County, Georgia. 
DeedSamuel Phillips sells 500 acres formerly granted to Peter Williamson to John Phillips Hays for $10. - Franklin County, Georgia Deed Book B, page 64-65.8 
Tax Rolls1821 - Samuel Phillips pays 3 polls and taxes on land in Franklin and Wayne counties. Capt. Hooper District, Franklin County.12
Tax Rolls*1826 - Samuel Phillips pays 2 polls and taxes on 1,551 acres in Franklin and Wayne counties, however he does not pay a poll tax for himself because he is over 60. Capt. Boswell District, Franklin County.12
Tax Rolls*1826 - Samuel Phillips pays taxes for Jonathan J Hays, no poll and taxes on land in Franklin and Early counties. Capt. Caker District, Franklin County.12
Tax Rolls*1828 - Two Listings - 1. Jackson Hays pays 1 poll and taxes on 146 acres in Clarke county originally granted to Phillips. 2. Jackson Hays pays for 2 polls and taxes on 1,121 acres in Franklin county and 490 acres in Wain county for Samuel Phillips. Dennis Phillips is listed next to these listing. Capt. Coker District, Franklin County.12
Tax Rolls1829 - Johnathan J. Hays pays taxes for Samuel Phillips in Franklin County.
Will*Samuel PHILLIPS left a will on 25 February 1830 in Franklin, Georgia. He willed 2 large tracts of land to his nephew Jackson Hays. Also named Louisa Gorham, Jane Gorham, Amanda Gorham and Thomas Gorham as heirs. Executors are Jackson Hays and Dennis Phillips. Witnesses are John A. Green, Dennis Phillips and Nancy Green. (Note: Samuel signed with his mark. Dennis Phillips was born 19 Apr 1791 in Lenoir County, NC to Thomas Phillips and Hannah Weathington. I have not found anything that states that Dennis and Samuel were related, but it is possible.)14
Death*He died about March 1830.14 
Probate*His estate was probated on 1 March 1830 in Franklin, Georgia. The last will and testament of Samuel Phillips was presented to the court by Jackson Hays and Dennis Phillips and recorded. Also ordered that William Scales, Lewis Redwinn, James Baker, Christopher Baker and George Shell be appointed appraisers of the Estate of Samuel Phillips, decd. John A. Green and Dennis Phillips were appointed administers of the will on 2 March 1830. - Franklin County Minutes 1824-1856, page 14 and 20. FSL 5756647-26.14
ProbateSamuel Phillips's estate was in probate for several years, 1830 to 1837, to settle his debts by selling his assets. The court records are copied in the attached pdf file. - FSL 5768403-883.
NewspaperA notice appeared in the Augusta Chronicle and Gazette, page 5, Augusta, Georgia on 24 April 1830; "All persons indebted to the Estate of Samuel Phillips dec. are requested to make immediate payment as further indulgence cannot be given; and those having demands against the Estate, will please render them in according to Law."
Dennis Phillips, Jackson hays, Ex'rs. 
Tax Rolls1830 - Jackson Hays pays taxes for himself and the estate of Samuel Phillips, Capt. Crawford District, Franklin County.12
Property1830 - Jackson Hays and Dennis Phillips, executors of the estate of Samuel Phillips, sell a tract of land to Benjamin Whitaker on 7 December 1830. - Franklin County Deed Book DD, page 289. FSL 7898920-537. 
Tax Rolls1831 - Jackson Hays pays taxes for himself and the estate of Samuel Phillips in Franklin County.12
Tax Rolls1832 - Jackson Hays pays 3 polls and taxes for himself and pays taxes for the estate of Samuel Phillips on 490 acres in Wayne County. Capt. Hammond District, Franklin County.12
Tax Rolls1833 - Jackson Hays pays taxes for himself and for the estate of Samuel Phillips. Capt. Ginns District, Franklin County, Georgia.12
Tax Rolls1834 - Jackson Hays pays 4 poll taxes and taxes for himself and for the estate of Samuel Phillips dec'd, in Capt. Watsons District, Franklin County.12
Tax Rolls1835 - Jackson Hays pays 3 poll taxes and taxes for estate of Samuel Phillips dec'd and for Sarah Green dec'd in Franklin County.12
ProbateHis estate was probated in December 1835 in Franklin, Georgia; Dennis Phillips requested to be dismissed from being one of the administrators of the Samuel Phillips will. It was approved in the December 1835 court records. - Franklin County Minutes 1824-1856, pages 172 and 178. FSL 5756647-105, 109. 
Tax Rolls*1836 - Jackson Hays pays taxes in Capt. Adderhold District, Franklin County for himself and the Estate of Samuel Phillips, dec'd.12
Property*1843 - Jackson Hays, acting as the executor of the estate of Samuel Phillips deceased, has the January 1831 sale of 260 acres of land in Franklin County by Samuel Phillips to Thomas King recorded on 24 December 1844, in the Franklin County Deed book CC, page 284. Jackson Hays purchased the same property from Thomas King on 11 February 1843 and had it recorded recorded on the same Franklin County Deed Book CC page 284. FSL 7898921-206.
NOTE*NOTE: All free white males in Georgia over 21 had to pay a poll tax or a head tax, whether or not they owned property. This tax dates from 1780s. In 1826, men over the age 60 were exempted from the poll tax. Poll tax was also paid on all slaves up to age 60. 
Regarding Samuel Phillips and Jane "Jenny" Phillips.
1. Samuel Phillips joined the Georgia Battalion of Minute-Men after June 1777 and he did not live in Georgia prior to his enlistment.
2. Jane first appears in Franklin County records in November 1785. Where did Jane and Samuel live prior to moving to Georgia? Probably Virginia.
3. What is the date that Jane Phillips & Jonathan Jackson Hays were married? When were their sons born?
4. Were Samuel and Jane Phillips associated with the Hairston family in South Carolina? Probably not.
5. Who was the Dennis Phillips that was an executor of the 1830 will of Samuel Phillips? Dennis Phillips was a neighbor of Samuel Phillips in Franklin County, Georgia. There is a Dennis Phillips in the 1830, 1840 and 1850 census records of Franklin County, Georgia. Dennis Phillips was born 19 April 1791 in North Carolina. He was the son of Thomas Phillips and Hannah Weathington who were married in April 1785 in Lenior County, North Carolina. Were Samuel Phillips and Dennis Phillips related? I have not found any records that indicate they were related.
6. Richard Phillips had a survey for 300 acres in Franklin County, Georgia on 4 July 1787 and the name Samuel Phillips is written at the bottom of the survey? Samuel Phillips also witnessed the deed when Richard Phillips sold this land in 1790. Richard Phillips was a neighbor, friend and in the Bedford Militia with the three Hairston brothers; Andrew, Samuel and Robert.
7. Federal Census records for Franklin County, Georgia for the years of 1790, 1800, 1810 and 1820 were destroyed. 
ChartsDescendant Chart
Descendant Chart Box

Sources (

  1. [S101] Will & Probate of Samuel Hairston - 1782, Campbell County Will Book #1, page 6, Library of Virginia -
  2. [S3709] Georgia, Headright and Bounty Land Records, 1783-1909. Film #005247643 Image 365, Family Search Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  3. [S3710] Georgia, Headright and Loose Lottery Plats. Film #005247643, Image 369, 375 - Film #004720698 Image 479, Family Search Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  4. [S3675] Georgia, Headright and Bounty Land Records, 1783-1909," database with images, FamilySearch, Headright and bounty documents 1783-1909, Phillips, Abraham-Phillips, Zachary image 145 of 514; Georgia State Archives, Morrow., Family Search Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  5. [S3706] Georgia Headright and Bounty Land Records, 1783-1909. Film #005247643, Image 367, Family Search Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  6. [S3607] Abbe, Mary H., Georgia Colonial & Headright Palt Index 1735-1866 - R. J. Taylor, Jr., Foundation and The Georgia Archives, Georgia Archives, University System of Georgia.
  7. [S3608] "Georgia, Headright and Bounty Land Records, 1783-1909," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 7 May 2020), Headright and bounty documents 1783-1909, Phillips, Abraham-Phillips, Zachary > image 373 of 514; Georgia State Archives, Morrow, Family Search Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  8. [S3605] Franklin County, Georgia, Deed records and mortgages 1785-1903, Family Search Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  9. [S3604] Jackson County, Georgia Deeds Index Book 1, 1796-1876, Film #007842254, Image 173., Family Search Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  10. [S3674] Miscellaneous records, Jackson County, Georgia - Maddox, Joseph T. (Joseph Thomas), 1929- Carter, Mary, Family Search Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  11. [S3593] Franklin County, Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 20 May 2014), Franklin > Minutes 1786-1829 > image 86 of 1002; citing Houston County Probate Court Judge, Georgia., Family Search Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
  12. [S3592] Franklin County, Georgia Tax Digests [1890]. 140 volumes. Morrow, Georgia: Georgia Archives.,
  13. [S3762] Graham, Paul K., 1805 Georgia Land Lottery Persons Entitled to Draws, The Genealogy Company, Decatur, Georgia, Library of Virginia -
  14. [S3591] Will of Samuel Phillips - 1830, Probated Franklin County, Georgia March 2, 1830, Will Book 1827-1849, page 19, Family Search Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Last Edited7 Sep 2024