HAIRSTON.org ID#6693, d. 1776
Father*Peter WALLACE Jr.1 b. a 1719, d. 1784
Mother*Martha WOODS1 b. a 1720, d. 1790
James WALLACE was the son of Peter WALLACE Jr. and Martha WOODS.1 
Death*James WALLACE died in 1776 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.1 

Sources (www.HAIRSTON.org)

  1. [S3048] Woods, Neander Montgomery; The Woods-McAfee Memorial, containing an account of John Woods and James McAfee of Ireland, and their descendants in America, Courier-Journal Job Printing Co., Louisville, KY - 1905 - https://hdl.handle.net/2027/loc.ark:/13960/t8rb7r654, Hathi Trust Digital Library.
Last Edited3 Dec 2017