ID#6586, b. about 1800
Birth* | George ROWLAND was born about 1800.1 |
| He was the son of Michael ROWLAND and Elizabeth HAIRSTON.1 |
Marriage* | George ROWLAND married Elizabeth Betsy COTTRELL before 1817. Lee County Deed Book 3, page 234. FSL #7897235 image 606.  |
Deed | On 8 January 1817, David Chadwell sells to George Rowland 200 acres of land "in consideration of the love and affection he has towards said George Rowland for having married his granddaughter Betsy Cottrell". Lee County Deed Book 3, page 234. FSL #7897235 image 606.  |
Census 1820* | George ROWLAND appeared on the census of 7 August 1820 in Lee, Virginia, George Roland, Males: under 10 1, 16-25 1, Females: under 10 1, 16-25 1. Michael Roland is listed on same census sheet in alphabetical order.1  |
Deed* | On 25 November 1820, George and Elizabeth Rowland sell land to pay off debts. Elizabeth Rowland was examined on 9 March 1821. Bothe George and Elizabeth signed with their marks. Lee County Deed Book 4, pages 68-70. FSL #7645439, image 55-56.  |
Deed* | On 3 April 1823, George Rowland sold to his brother Peter H. Rowland 30 acres of land for $200. Lee County Deed Book 5, p. 113. FSL 7645439, images 327-328.  |
Deed | On 3 January 1825, Jeremiah Shelton of Kentucky traded a tract of land in Lee County to George Rowland for the estate (including slaves) of David Chadwell Sr. of Tennessee. Lee County Deed Book 5, page 229. FSL #7645439, images 388-389.  |
Deed | George Rowland and his wife Elizabeth, signed a deed for land to William Caldwell on 27 May 1825 in Lee County. - Lee County Deed Book 6, page 22. FSL 8190580 image 18.  |
Deed* | George Rowland and his wife Elizabeth, signed a deed for land to John Willis on 27 May 1825 in Lee County. This land was owned by Michael Rowland, dec'd. - Lee County Deed Book 5, pages 294-295. FSL 7645439, images 422-423.  |
Deed* | On 15 July 1825, George Rowland and his wife Betsy (also named Elizabeth in this document) living in Harlan County, Kentucky, sold to George Hoskins a parcel of land in Lee County. - Lee County Deed Book 5, pages 447-448. FSL #7645439, images 498-499.  |
Relocated* | He relocated to Harlan, Kentucky, about August 1825. Lee County Deed Book 5, pages 447-448. FSL #7645439, images 498-499. |