Charles Littrell ID#6563
Father*Daniel Littrell1
Mother*Abigail (surname unknown)1 b. a 1766
Charles Littrell was the son of Daniel Littrell and Abigail (surname unknown).1 
DeedOn 6 May 1801, Daniel Litteral sells to his children (John, Samuel, William, Daniel, Ewing, Charles, Susanne, Polly, and Abigail) a horse, cattle, hogs, furniture and farm equipment for $200. - Lee Deed Book 1, page 235. FSL #7897235, image 152.

Sources (

  1. [S3339] Laningham, Anne M. W, and Hattie B. M. Bales. Early Settlers of Lee County, Virginia and Adjacent Counties. Greenboro, N.C: Media, 1990. Print, Library of Virginia -
Last Edited22 Sep 2017