William Littrell

HAIRSTON.org ID#6561
Father*Daniel Littrell1
Mother*Abigail (surname unknown)1 b. a 1766
William Littrell was the son of Daniel Littrell and Abigail (surname unknown).1 
DeedOn 6 May 1801, Daniel Litteral sells to his children (John, Samuel, William, Daniel, Ewing, Charles, Susanne, Polly, and Abigail) a horse, cattle, hogs, furniture and farm equipment for $200. - Lee Deed Book 1, page 235. FSL #7897235, image 152.
WillIn Daniel Littrell's will dated 22 March 1809 in Lee, Virginia, William Littrell was named as an heir; In his will he only mentions his wife Abigail and his son William. His wife Abigail and Mack Sumate were executors. Henry yearly, John Ball and Jacob Crabtree were witnesses.1 

Sources (www.HAIRSTON.org)

  1. [S3339] Laningham, Anne M. W, and Hattie B. M. Bales. Early Settlers of Lee County, Virginia and Adjacent Counties. Greenboro, N.C: Media, 1990. Print, Library of Virginia - http://www.lva.virginia.gov
Last Edited22 Sep 2017